The Daily Buckeye Blitz: Highlights From The Jim Harbaugh vs Ryan Day Press Conferences

What’s up? Welcome into your Daily Buckeye Blitz. For a beat that Michigan ass week. All week. All year. Every day. We worked this rivalry every day. You know that. And I’m your host Joe from The Buckeye Cast. Trying to calm down. Trying to breathe. Who saw that. Oh this is a Wednesday November 23rd 2022. Hope you guys are feeling it. Getting ready for a big turkey day and then a big Buckeye victory on Saturday. Let’s get warmed up.

On today’s podcast we’re going to talk Harbaugh versus Day. What did they have to say? Hey that rhymed. I didn’t even think I didn’t even plan that. God it just flows sometimes right. Especially in a hate week. Oh it’s coming out of me. That’s what she said. Hey oh. Yeah so first of all we want to talk what did Harbaugh and Ryan day have to say on their press conferences Monday. And I believe Day was Tuesday. So let’s talk Harbaugh first. Obviously this guy you know is like talking to freaking wallpaper. But he does actually mumble some words out occasionally. So let’s run through what he had to say that I thought was important. Few and far between here.

But here we go Harbaugh. Said there’s no update on injuries to Blake Corum Donovan Edwards or Mike Morris the defensive end. He is the team leader in sacks. So they’re all dealing with injuries. And I wouldn’t expect either side to give up any information this week regarding injuries. You’re just gonna have to wait until game time and see who’s suited up. And maybe even who’s actually in the game because I wouldn’t be surprised if Corum or Edwards actually suit up. And one of them doesn’t play. It’s very possible. So anyway Harbaugh said that if they can’t practice this week that they won’t play. So it’s his policy. I respect it. We’ll see.

He also said we know Ohio State’s our toughest competition. This will be our toughest test to date. Yeah I I would say that 65th ranked strength of schedule to date is a little bit easier than than the Buckeyes. I would hope he talked about the road environment. It’s going to be great. He’s grateful for the experience. He said the Buckeye defense is really good and a very strong team defensively. Again he’s not going to provide any bulletin board material. Chesty Jim Harbaugh I think is still sitting in the locker room after last year’s game. He said if he was asked if OSU is different this year he said they’re a really good team. Improved team. It’s a tremendous team. We’re grateful to be in this position and playing in this game. It’s a real honor. To be in this position. To be able to test yourself. We know it’s our toughest test of the year. Again reiterating. And I think we’re going to find out what we’re made of the right stuff. So kind of calling a shout out to 80s quotes.

He was asked about the toughness comments that came out of Michigan. Specifically by Josh Gattis calling Ohio State a finesse team last year. Harbaugh got defensive of course because that’s what he does. He said it wasn’t me. When he was asked about it. He said he sees a tough team when he watches the 2022 Buckeyes. A couple of last bit of notes here. He said that no question that CJ Stroud and Marvin Harrison Jr. Have Heisman habits. They’re tremendous players. What does the Heisman have it exactly? Jim Can you tell me? I Would love to know because I don’t know what Heisman habits are. Just say what those habits are like hard-working dedicated really good you know whatever.
Anyway his last comment was it’s all about this game. It’s all about going 1-0 this week. Most cliche thing a coach has ever said. So a whole lot of nothing in there. Other than no injury updates. So that’s kind of what we were digging for I’m sure.

Let’s flip it over Coach Day had some comments some some interesting stuff here about the running games. But first on Matt Jones. Well he was carted off the field on Saturday. He said if need be we’ve got a couple of options there to step in for Jones. He said Josh Fryar’s been mostly at tackle this year. When we saw him last week or two weeks ago. But he has some he said Fryar does have some experience going outside and inside. So Josh Fryar has said that he can play all five positions. I’m not sure they’re ever gonna need him to do that. But we’ll see. He is taller than like a an Enokk. Fryar’s like a six seven which is a typical you know. Taller more athletic rangey tackle. Whereas like Enokk or Matt Jones they’re like six three six four in that ballpark so more of a guard body. So far might not fit the body type. But if he can get the job done him or Enokk. I don’t know. Enokk might be better because he’s you know got that lower body strength. You know and and he’s played fine when he’s been in the game too in my opinion.

On the running backs specifically on Dallan Hayden. Said he’s Ryan Day said that the running backs hit the hole a little bit better in the second half. And he said that obviously Hayden was the only one that played in the second half. TreVeyon might have got one carry in the second half. But anyways so hyping up down Hayden. They said it’s definitely worth a conversation about whether Hayden playing running back is better than treveyon or Miyan. So there the doors cracked there on who will get most of the carries. And he also said the way that down stepped up last week was certainly tremendous and encouraging. I know he’s going to prepare hard to get ready to play in this game. So again kind of saying what you would expect a coach to say. You know to make the opposition prepare for three different running backs.

But I think Dallan has to get in the game. He’s shown that he can take care of the ball in game. I know he’s they’ve had ball security concerns coming out of practices and things like that. But I don’t think we’ve seen a fumble in a game otherwise he would not be in the game. So I think that’s very telling. Those those three quotes from Ryan day about down Hayden’s reps. That he’s going to get moving on the defense. Michigan’s defense from last year to this year he said it’s very similar. It’s one of the best defenses in the country. He has they said. It’s very sobering to think the Buckeyes season essentially starts now. Given that Ohio State’s three primary goals begin with beating Michigan and yeah it kind of does I mean now that you’re 11-0. It kind of kind of restarts the cycle right.

Dipping into some of the the more salacious stuff on Harbaugh’s third base comment from last year. Ryan Day said I’m not gonna hit on that right now but he said maybe another time. I do like you’re open to talking about it. We are willing to learn. They also said that he has gotten a lot of good feedback about the toughness of the team from other coaches like opposing coaches this year. So that’s good to hear. I wonder who those coaches were. I wish you would elaborate.

Ryan Day one one big note here about the senior tackle which they typically do on Thanksgiving. He’s moving that back a week so that they can prepare for the Michigan game. And they want to focus on what really matters so that’s the biggest change in in this lead up to the Michigan game. From tradition point of view.

Ronnie Hickman did say that he will be entering the draft next year. So he will this will be his senior tackle for his final game in The Shoe. So I think that’s important hopefully he’ll be going he’ll be able to go through all these senior events and traditions. And stuff like the tackle so interesting that he that he chose now to say that. But I think he would he just wanted people to know that. You know this is important to him. This is his last game in The Shoe. So sounds good. Best of luck. Be interesting to see if anybody else says the same thing. If they’re thinking about moving on you know.

So anyways that’s what I got Harbaugh versus Day. Injury updates. The status of their team. Harbaugh kind of trying to to be the nice guy for now anyways. Let’s see what he looks like on game day. And talking about an honor and Heisman habits and goofy. Anyways from day I think the Dallan Hayden comments on the running back are are important.

So we’ll see. Keep it locked in here. I’ll be here all week. And I’ll definitely have a Thanksgiving show. So subscribe please. We’re really trying to hit 400 subscriptions. We’re about 10 away. We would love to get that over 400 by the end of the year. I would appreciate that the long-term goal is a thousand. But I’m gonna go in like increments of 100. So please subscribe download the podcast. Watch us on youtube. Leave a comment. I’ll always reply to you. So I appreciate everybody listening and watching. And we’ll talk to you tomorrow. Go Bucks!

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