The Daily Buckeye Blitz: Instant Reaction To The Loss To Michigan

What is up? Welcome into your Daily Buckeye Blitz for a Sunday. Sunday not so freaking fun day right November 27 2022. I’m your host Joe from The Buckeye Cast bringing it to you every day win or lose rain or shine. I am here. By now you guys have all hopefully recovered from your hangovers. I’m still nursing one myself. And then I started drinking. Yeah so I’m not going to call for anybody’s heads or anybody’s jobs right now. I think some things do need to be addressed in the off season. That’s obvious.

Don’t forget tonight at 8pm me and Jeff and Shawn will be on youtube live as usual every Sunday night 8 P.M Eastern. So check us out. Subscribe. We only need like 10 more subscribers to hit 400. Would love to get up to that before the bowl game. Yeah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t expect to play in the playoffs. I don’t want to hear about deserve or not deserve. I see a lot of people talking about we don’t deserve it. Hey that’s just living in the moment not thinking big picture. I don’t know anybody that deserves it. I deserve to have strippers and cupcakes every day in my life. I don’t get it. So I don’t know what deserve means.

Yeah we got smoked 45-23. Most of that scoring coming late in the fourth. But yeah finally is what it is. I’m not dodging that Buckeye defense. That you guys are should all be called to the carpet. Jim Knowles first and your staff can make JJ mccarthy who goes 50 percent 12 of 24 completions on the day. Make him look like Peyton Manning out there with his arm punts down the field. Can’t tackle.

One of my keys to a Buckeye victory from Friday. Go back and listen to it. Tackling was my first one. Cam Brown and just tackle dude goes 75. And coverage I’m looking at these coverage grades on PFF. It’s pathetic. Cam Martinez wanting to see you on the field but obviously that was a bad idea. You give up a touchdown for 75. Who else Cam Brown gave up the 75-yard or 71 whatever the hell it was. Lathan Ransom also dicey in coverage all year long. Denzel had a decent day five targets three receptions only allowed 38 total yards and didn’t have a didn’t allow a touchdown. JK Johnson went in did fine. Tanner mcallister no receptions on three targets. That’s his best day of the year. So yeah secondary I don’t know. Why we didn’t see Jordan Hancock? I Don’t even have a single snap for him in coverage. So I don’t think he played at all. And what not sure why I didn’t see Jyaire Brown either. By the way safety play and coverage this entire year has been an issue. And it has never gotten fixed.

defensive line rotation like to know what the hell is going on there. I got guys like freaking oh God Jeron Cage Ty Hamilton started to gain 14 snaps. Why Tyleik nine snaps? Why only nine. Michael Hall only six? This is terrible let me get some accurate numbers here. That will sound really well. Ty Hamilton 30 total snaps. Don’t agree with that. Zach Harrison played a lot 54. JT 54. Tyleik only 17 snaps. Michael Hall Jr only 13 total snaps. What the hell? Jerron Cage gets eight. Tyler Friday even got some action. I don’t know man defense.

Ryan Day you got an issue. I don’t know why you turned into most conservative play caller. Not going for it on a few fourth downs. Kicking a field goal midway through the fourth quarter when you’re down 11. So many things. So many freaking things. Check out this second half. Ohio State punt field goal interception interception 28-3. That was the second half score. We only mustered three freaking points. And that was the field goal I just mentioned halfway through the fourth. This this is terrible. Play calling has gone in reverse. I don’t know if Ryan Day needs to turn it over to Kevin Wilson or if they need to bring in a whole new OC and pay him. I don’t know a lot of people with a lot of issues here.

So yeah apparently our best players are Xavier Johnson a former walk-on and Chip Trayanum who is a linebacker a month ago. That was your that was the plan? To get Chip Trayanum the most carriers. He looked good. I have no complaints with his production. But Dallan Hayden didn’t get any snaps. I don’t get it. He got very few 11 total snaps for Dallan Hayden. Miyan obviously was a waste to even have him suit up. So I don’t know a lot of revamping needs to happen. We got bowl practice. So probably end up in the freaking Rose Bowl again. A meaningless Rose Bowl. CJ’s played his last day in The Shoe.

For the Buckeyes a lot of guys are going to be sitting out whatever game we go to. I’m sure so anyways we will be back tonight 8 p.m. And Jeff is going to be extremely salty. He always is. He’ll either be really quiet or really angry. I’m not sure which is worse. So tune in for that. YouTube live and we will talk to you later. I’ll be back tomorrow with our Monday recruiting show. All right I’ll talk to you later Go Bucks!

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