The Daily Buckeye Blitz: My History of The Ohio State vs Michigan Game

What’s up? Welcome to a Turkey Day Edition. A Thanksgiving edition of your Daily Buckeye Blitz. It must be Thursday November 24 2022. As always I am your host Joe from The Buckeye Cast. Bringing it to you on your special holiday. Hope everybody’s having a good one gathering around with family and maybe not yet or maybe after whatever. Just wanted to bring you a nice holiday edition. I hope you have a lot to be be thankful for.

I know I certainly do especially when it comes to this Ohio State Michigan rivalry. You know that documentary the HBO did years ago called the Rivalry about the Ohio State Michigan game. I basically live most of that documentary. I mean so I’m 50 years old. I turned 50 back in April. And I was born in 1972 in Northwest Ohio. Grew up in Tiffin, Ohio. So being a Buckeye fan through the 70s 80s 90s through the 2000s to now. This is always like the week that you live for. This is like where we really thrive as Buckeye fans right. This is like everything. I mean and then the crazy part is it’s one of those things where you get so excited for it but you have no idea what the outcome is going to be. It’s usually a close game. It’s rarely a blowout. And it’s super intense. Whether you got family or friends that are Michigan fans.

I think we all grew up at least in northwest Ohio there’s a almost a 50/50 mix back in the 80s. At least of Ohio State and Michigan fans you know and especially through the 90s Cooper kept those Michigan fans plentiful in northwest Ohio with his terrible record.

But just wanted to to talk to you about what my experiences have been. What I remember from from the 80s really up till now. I mean 1987 I remember they fire Earl Bruce. The president of Ohio State University fires Earle. The A.D quits in response. They fire him the Monday before the Michigan game. Can you believe that? How things have changed. That’s football coaches have much more power now. You won’t see that happening again. I don’t think. So they fired Earle the Monday before. The band comes to his house they play Carmen Ohio and stuff. And he’s out there singing with them. Tears in his eyes of course. And then for the game I just remembered everybody was just lit. I remember the white headbands with everybody wrote the word Earle on the front.

So you remember if you remember back then Jim mcmahon was the quarterback at the Chicago Bears. And he was wearing these white headbands. And he was getting in trouble with the commissioner. I think at the time Pete Rozelle. And so he started writing Rozelle the commissioner’s name on these big white headbands. So everybody could see him when he was on the sideline. And so that the Buckeyes took that concept and spun it you know in a more positive direction. I guess you could say. And it supported their coach you know. Who is unjustly fired in my opinion. So I really remember that Buckeyes won and they carry Earle off. That was beautiful. That was awesome.

Of course you remember the bad times too. I mean The Desmond Howard Heisman pose when he scored a touchdown. We got crushed in that game. That was not good. Was it 98? One of Cooper’s few wins. Joe Germaine had a big day. David Boston versus Charles Woodson. Boston had a big day. The fight. I mean those are those those videos they still use to this day in the hype videos and stuff like that. So I remember that they went out to the Rose Bowl the Buckeyes did that January 1st. And beat Arizona State. Then Cooper gets let go.

They bring in Jim Tressel you know Youngstown State coach. And not really a big name or anything. And he gives his yeah that was 2001. He gives his 310 days speech. You know I can assure you, you will be proud of your team our young people in the classroom on the field and most or was it a classroom community and most especially in 310 days in Ann Arbor Michigan on the football field. That was awesome. 2006 I was at Hiney Gate back when that was a thing. For the 2006 one versus two Ohio State Michigan. Of course Bo Schembechler died the night before.

And the Buckeyes came back. Oh man that was that was an insane game. Troy Smith the Heisman Trophy winner has a huge day with four touchdowns. I think Beanie Wells had two long runs. Ted Ginn went off. Yeah of course we go on to the to the national title game. But crazy crazy I can’t believe that was 16 years ago.

2011 Luke Fickell year. Or so I think that was a Brady Hoke year from Michigan. And shortly after the loss. They bring in Urban Meyer. Good 12-0 his first year in 2012. No bowl game but did beat Michigan. 2013 Tyvis gets the INT in the end zone when when Michigan goes for two. That’s Brady Hoke as a coach too. I’m just kind of rambling. I’m just like coming up with the years and the plays. Like I said it’s always a tight one you know. Still can’t believe Michigan went for two there. I’m kind of surprised at home. Seems like you would have gone for a play for overtime.

But anyways 2014 obviously on the way to the National Championship. JT broke his ankle in the fourth quarter. And bring in Cardale of course. Of course that’s after JT had to play the whole season in in lieu of Braxton after he was injured in camp.

You know 2016. Buckeyes rallied. Curtis Samuel in over I think it was double overtime. The classic. The other clips that they should hit Curtis Samuel stretching out his arms running into the end zone. That was awesome oh man. So many good moments. Oh yeah was it 2018.

There’s 2017 was Dwayne Haskins he had to come in. Was that 2016 or 17? Anyways yeah Haskins comes in leads the comeback Buckeyes win 2018. Urb’s last year they crushed Michigan. That was the 56-27 game that was in Ann Arbor too. Love that.

And then let’s see 2019 would have been Justin Fields right. So yeah Fields had four touchdowns. You remember him getting knocked out of the game. Comes back in. Roles out. Spins fires a dime to Garrett Wilson in the back of the end zone. I think it was like second quarter. God that feels good. And JK Dobbins went off he had 211. Was that the game? I Think that was the game that Aiden Hutchinson was a freshman he untied JK Dobbins shoe. Like first series of the game. It might have been first play. A running play they tackled Dobbins for a short game. He unties his freaking shoe and gets a penalty. Idiot. I always say Michigan does the weirdest man tell you.

Anyways 2020 of course. Somebody didn’t show up to Columbus for the game. So this will be the first time in the shoe since 2018 for this game. So I can’t wait. I I feel really really really confident. That might be scary. I might do a 180 tomorrow on Friday. And pee my pants. But right now I think the defense will win this game. I think JJ mccarthy is not an experienced enough quarterback to be ready for this defense. And the offense is going to do what it does. I know the Michigan defense is supposed to be good but who have they played. Maryland gave them all they could handle. So I’ll give you my five keys tomorrow morning. And we’ll get you fired up. All right. I will talk to you later. Go Bucks!

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