The Daily Buckeye Blitz: The Latest Ohio State Recruiting News

Welcome to your Daily Buckeye Blitz for Monday. Let’s kick the week off right. If it’s a Monday at the Daily Buckeye Blitz, you know we’re talking recruiting.

So many dudes, so many dudes being watched. It’s amazing, it’s a lot of dude on dude watching, but that’s how we, that’s how we get a new team every year. A lot of dude watching anyway.

All right, going nowhere with that one. Christmas tree is still standing, we’re trying to go to February with it. It’s now become a birthday tree for my wife, it’s no longer a Christmas tree. It’s birthday Tree.

By the way, you ever have one of these PC people come in your house? Maybe a relative  that calls your Christmas tree a holiday tree? It’s a Christmas tree. All right, my wife’s sister came in here around the holidays, she’s like, I love your holiday tree and I was, I said what holiday tree? What the are you talking about? It’s a Christmas tree with Christmas lights, Christmas ornaments, and a big Christmas star on top. It’s not holiday lights and holiday ornaments on a holiday star. The hell out of here that you’re allowed to say Christmas. Even you know, I mean, it’s my house, I call it Christmas, you call it holidays outside my house, I don’t give a anyway. Sorry about the left turn there, just had to get that off my chest and you’re the only one listening.

All right, recruiting, let’s do it. You want the bad news first, of course you do, right, PC, bad news first. My guy PC Clan always wants the bad news first, right, loyal, loyal listener, and viewer. We Appreciate You PC bad news first, through the portal, Washington State transfer tackle, Jared Kingston committed to USC over the weekend, last weekend, whatever. I don’t know, it doesn’t matter anyway, he had visited Ohio State, he’s from California, so not a big surprise, and, the way they’re throwing money around out there, apparently they can just go get whoever they want, so the Buckeyes miss out on another tackle in the portal.

This is going to be a big problem if we don’t land somebody, telling you, depth, we talked about it on, the offensive line Improvement plan show the other day, gotta get depth gotta build depth. We got dudes just sitting there that haven’t done for three years. All right, the other two, tidbits of bad news, four star 2024 tight end, Christian Betancur commits to Clemson and four star 2024 safety, Jalen Hayward commits to Georgia, no great surprises there, but just wanted to let you know.

With the good news, offers flying around, oh first, remember, I was telling, we were talking about, new QB options for the 2024 class, since, that Raiola, decided to bounce. He’s probably gonna end up going to Georgia by the way, anyways, I’m not sure I like that kid in his whole Camp, they sound like a bunch of troublemakers anyway, Auburn four-star quarterback, Adrian Posse, he’s got a big Posse from Hialeah South Florida area, 64205, has a has a Buckeye offer. He decommitted from Auburn Saturday.

That’s huge news because the Buckeyes are out kicking the tires on a bunch of 2024 guys. They are not in a rush to sign a guy today and get him committed, but they have a little less than a year to lock somebody up for that 2024 QB commit. So that’s big news, Adrian Posse, awesome name, sorry.

Let’s talk about, five-star Justin Scott, who put out a top eight list on Sunday that includes Ohio State. That’s good. A bunch of other teams that we don’t care about, four-star cornerback Miles Lockhart, who we’ve talked about before, Lockhart, whatever you want to call him, said he’s going to take one of his official visits to Columbus. We’re not sure of an exact date, but he was in Columbus for the Ohio State Michigan game on November 26th for an unofficial.

Okay, we’re gonna go fast now. Five star Prospect Kobe Black picked up an offer on Tuesday from coach Perry Eliano. He’s six foot 190 pound safety. We like this kid, he’s got a sweet name too, Kobe Black. He has like 25 division one offers. This guy’s a stud, obviously he’s a five star.

Larry Johnson throwing offers out all week, six new defensive line offers in the 2024 cycle, five of them are D ends. Let’s go fast. David Stone, 64, 270, number nine overall player in the country, second best d-line Prospect in the class, out of IMG, down in Bradenton, just a stone’s throw from here.

Next, Elijah Rushing, 6-6 235 from Arizona, 16th ranked Prospect, third ranked Edge rusher in the class.

Williams, 6-5 245, five star, 17th best player, third best d-lineman in the class, Solomon Williams, three star D end, 63, 235, out of Carrollwood day over in Tampa.

Darian Mayo, three-star defensive end, 6-7, that’s nice, 247, 31st ranked Edge player in the cycle, out of Maryland.

Danny Okoye, not yet ranked, 6-5 233, has 25 division one offers now. running back, three star, six foot one eighty eight running back and we have offered in the the 2024 class so Tony offers spray in the country with offers. This is the second offer to an in-state running back by the way. 

He’s the 25th best running back in the class from St Thomas Aquinas, wait, he’s not from Ohio, sorry, he’s not from Ohio, it says not the the running back I asked for, anyway, this guy’s from St Thomas Aquinas in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, so yeah, three star, this is the coup de grace, twins, twins, you know, these guys have to be a package deal, twins, honey, anyway, you’ll understand.

Justin Frye offered, Deontay and Devonte Armstrong on Friday, the first in-state offensive lineman in the class to receive an offer, both are three stars right now, Devonte is ranked 354, 27th ranked offensive tackle, and Deonte slotting in at 429 and the 34th ranked tackle. Look for those, rankings to improve over this, the senior year for these guys. Okay, safety, Jordan Johnson Ruble, four star, 510, 175, 86 best best Prospect in the country, seventh ranked safety from IMG. Notice the pattern here, a lot of IMG kids getting offered, lately, which is kind of out of character for Ohio State.

I know they got Carnell Tate. They haven’t they haven’t messed with uh the IMG kids for quite a while there was I don’t know some kind of issue with the the relationship there but anyways must be back on track. Next wide receiver Terence Moore Jr three star was offered Friday 63 190 so a little bit more like uh Marvin Harrison type body. 384 ranked in the class 53rd wide receiver in the class out of Tampa Catholic over here in Tampa Florida. Who’s this guy oh yeah this is the Ohio guy I was talking about. Running back Sam Williams-Dixon. three star 511 203 got a little weight on him. I like that 537th ranked Prospect 40th ranked running back in the class out of Millersburg Ohio. D-lineman Aiden Breeland 6-5 290 obviously a d tackle 79th best player in the class. 11th ranked d-lineman in the class. And our last dude here another IMG guy D lineman Jaden Jackson. not yet ranked 6-2 290 again out of IMG. So a lot of Florida kids getting getting offers. And you got to get in early just means that you’re one of many.

So that’s what we got good news bad news bad news good news tons of offers flying around so keep it locked in here and we will hit you again tomorrow. Go Bucks!

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