The Daily Buckeye Blitz: Why Are Jim Harbaugh and The University of Michigan So Weird?

What is up? Welcome into your daily Buckeye Blitz for a Saturday, excuse me, Froggy Saturday, January 21st, 2023. I am your host, Joe, from the Buckeye Cast. Oh, digging through the after-season seems like there is just no shortage of things to talk about. We got the Buckeyes grabbing people out of the portal. We got, uh, what we’re going to talk about today, Michigan doing things, making things weird, as they always do. Why? Why does everything that happens with the University of Michigan always happen in the weirdest way possible? Like, it’s never-ending. It’s always been that way, especially since Harbaugh’s gotten there. Everything just goes weird. Like, it rubs off on people up there or something. I don’t know. Anyway, don’t forget Sunday night, 8 P.M Eastern, YouTube live. We’re going to talk about all the latest Buckeye news, and obviously, we want to touch on Michigan and Harbaugh and have some good laughs at their expense. I mean, Jefferson, though. All right. We’ll be back together, Three Amigos. So, shouldn’t it be like “Trace Amigos” if you’re going to speak Spanish? But anyway, get back to me. Uh, so, Harbaugh, Harbaugh, in Michigan, a match made in some weird galaxy. (music) So, let’s start from the top. He’s coming back. Harbaugh’s coming back. Perfect. I love it. I wouldn’t want it any other way. James, a year ago, he interviewed with the Vikings. Remember that? Thought it was just, uh, where’s my parking spot kind of discussion, you know? It was like he was interviewing them almost. And, uh, it’s not how it was going to go, so he had to come crawling back to Michigan. He called that a one-time thing. Then, signed a new deal, a new contract extension, five years, 36.7 mil. So, a little over 7 million a year. Then, this year, what? He met with NFL teams again? You got to be kidding me. I don’t believe it. Now, it’s true. They recently met with Carolina Panthers, officially interviewed for the Broncos in, like, a two-hour interview, then recently, like this week, pulls his name out of consideration for the Broncos job. He tells Santa that he’s coming back to Michigan. Michigan’s president’s name is Santa? Yeah, that’s his first name, Santa. Okay, again, everything’s weird up there. Black is white, Santa is like the University of Michigan president. I got a question my Christmas traditions at this point. Anyway, Harbaugh also has a weird, non-relationship with the A.D., Ward Manual, now, who they play together, you know, at Michigan. So, anyway, Harbaugh doing weird things, and then you got the hamburger rule. Apparently, there’s a rule, an NCAA rule, you can’t buy a hamburger for a recruit. A level two violation, no big deal, you know? Probably shouldn’t have kept that receipt anyway. But then, he lies about it to the NCAA investigators. That’s where you get into trouble. That’s the big problem. That’s the matzah ball. So, just yesterday, resolution talks between Harbaugh and the NCAA stalled out because he would not re-he refused to sign or even say that he was untruthful with the NCAA enforcement staff during the investigation. So, where does that leave us? I have no problem with Harbaugh telling the NCAA to off. You know, do something about it.

I you know, especially in college basketball, but even in football, it’s like we’re not giving gonna help you whatsoever. You, if you want to charge us with stuff, go ahead, but uh, I have no problem with Harbaugh’s handling of the NCAA investigation because it’s, I mean, there’s so much more going on, and this is not, you know, Jim Tressell tattoo-gate kind of thing.

Anyways, then we got this cooc Matt Weiss in his computer crimes. Sounds very dastardly and very techy. I’m not sure he’s a techie. I’ve seen this guy anyway, so he accessed the school’s email accounts inside shinbeckler Hall without proper authorization. Apparently, an employee of the staff reported fraudulent activity involving someone accessing University emails without authorization, probably somebody on staff who knows, could have been a love interest or just a girl he was interested in, girl that told him to get lost, is probably where I’m leaning, and he wanted to, you know, go through her stuff. Anyway, smell her emails, gross. So, he’s been placed on leave, Matt Weiss has, and who knows what’s going to come of that, probably nothing that’s going to affect the football team other than maybe Matt Weiss gets fired, or they have to, they have to fire him, you know, something like that, but not really affecting the, you know, the team directly, the players and stuff.

Then you got this Mazzie Smith gun charge that’s like apparently been swept under the rug for the entire football season, and just now was resolved last week. Is this, this is welcome to Big Time college football Michigan, this is what big time college football looks like. Although I will say Ohio State hasn’t had people in court quite a while, so and don’t come at me with the latest whoever lasts whatever, whatever, this is all happening now at Michigan.

So, and the coup de gras, the cherry on top is another contract extension is coming for Jimmy. Why is this guy getting a raise again? I don’t get it. I understand you want to increase the assistant pool the salaries for the assistants so they can hire better assistance, maybe fire a Matt Weiss and pay somebody, you know, get somebody better for, you know, that’s going to require a larger salary, but, uh, you can get more analysts in there, you know, you get your army, you have polo shirts and stuff. So, uh, I don’t get why Hardball is getting a raise.

I can’t believe that the Michigan Administration is okay with this yearly dance with the NFL, the recruiting has fallen off the map, this 23 class was 17th, the 24th class is just gonna with every rumor is just going to keep getting knocked down in a couple notches, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re outside the top 20. Honestly, because you kids know that he’s going to around with the NFL after this season. So my last thought on on this Jim Harbaugh situation is glad you came back, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I don’t care if you get suspended, I prefer you not because I think it sends a terrible message for the rest of the country, and I want you and your team at full strength every year when we play you guys the last Saturday in November. I don’t want any excuses, straight up, you know, one-to-one, man-to-man, I think that’s the way Jim Harbaugh would want it. I know that’s the way Ryan Dave wants it, so, uh, this, however, this stuff plays out.

I don’t care but I don’t want Hardball leaving. I don’t want him running away. I want to beat that ass and it’s coming. It’s coming. I know it’s only January. But yeah I’m obsessed with it. So all right folks. Appreciate you. Like I said Sunday night 8 P.M Eastern. Be there be square YouTube live talk to you later. Go Bucks!

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